
What do you get?

Sensors and monitoring

You will be able to measure several environmental variables (soil, fruit growth, CO2, etc.) with our long range wireless sensors.


The easiest way to make a decision based on real time statistics of your crops. Compatible to integrate with information from other systems.


Our platform has harvest, post-harvest, phytosanitary, seed and pallet traceability modules within storage environments. You will have adequate traceability to measure your production, efficiency and risks.

We adapt our technology to the reality of your agricultural environment to provide you:

Complete analysis

Cloud-based data from sensors allows you to establish accurate diagnostics and take action in real time.

Alerts and reports

You will receive alerts via email or SMS when a critical variable is out of the operating range. In addition, you will get daily management reports in general or by field in particular.


Access to information from any device connectable to the Internet. In addition, it has the flexibility to interact with external systems to correlate data.

The best decision is to incorporate the experience of our Trackitagro system and sensors.